ELL Program

The program offered at RJA is the Structured English Immersion (SEI) program.


Structured English Immersion: A classroom setting for English learners in which nearly all classroom instruction is provided in English but with a curriculum and presentation designed for pupils who are learning English. At a minimum, English learners will be provided a program of Structured English Immersion. [EC sections 305(a)(2) and 306(c)(3)].


Home Language Survey

The California Education Code contains legal requirements which direct schools to assess the English language proficiency of students. The process begins with determining the language(s) spoken in the home of each student. The responses to the home language survey will assist in determining if a student's proficiency in English should be tested. This information is essential in order for the school to provide adequate instructional programs and services.
As parents or guardians, your cooperation is requested in complying with these requirements. Please respond to each of the four questions listed below as accurately as possible. For each question, write the name(s) of the language(s) that apply in the space provided. Please do not leave any question unanswered. If an error is made completing this home language survey, you may request correction before your student's English proficiency is assessed.

1. Which language did your child learn when they first began to talk?
2. Which language does your child most frequently speak at home?
3. Which language do you (the parents and guardians most frequently
use when speaking with your child?
4. Which language is most often spoken by adults in the home?
(parents, guardians, grandparents, or any other adults)


  • Introduction to Initial ELPAC for Parents (video) - ENGLISH
  • Initial ELPAC (Fact Sheet) - ENGLISH
  • Introduction to Initial ELPAC for Parents (video) - SPANISH


  • Summative ELPAC (Fact Sheet) - ENGLISH
  • Introduction to Initial ELPAC for Parents (video) - ENGLISH
  • Introduction to Initial ELPAC for Parents (video) - SPANISH “ELPAC Overview Spanish”