Special Services
At REAL Journey Academies (RJA) schools, the focus is placing learners in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI) occurs in the general education setting in a few one-to-one instruction, small group instruction and collaborative teaching methods with the general education teacher.
In addition, qualifying learners may receive the following for pull-out services:
(1) Speech
(2) Occupational Therapy (OT),
(3) Adapted Physical Education (APE)
(4) Educationally-Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS)
A new student enrolling with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) already in place will have services, accommodations, and interventions listed in the document.
RJA will not deny enrollment to any learner with an IEP. Enrollment for any learner enrolled at an RJA will only be denied due to a lack of space or if the learner was expelled from another district. All new learners will have a 30-day interim IEP held as required by law. Learners coming from a Special Day Class model may struggle in the general education classroom. We will review services and placement based on the previous IEP and make an offer of Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) as a team. We will work with the learner’s parent(s) and teachers will provide services appropriate to the student’s needs. If the needs or the placement of the learners are outside of the services that the site can provide, we will seek support from the District SELPA and may change the placement of the student in order to meet their needs.
General education learners struggling academically will receive multi-tiered general education interventions before being referred for special education assessment. Should the general education interventions not result in the learner progressing, experts from all necessary areas will assess the learner and report findings to parents, teachers, principal, and other IEP team members. The team determines eligibility for special education services, interventions, and accommodations.
For further information regarding Special Services at RJA, please reach out to Dr. Rose Bomentre Superintendent at the following email address: [email protected] or contact your local RJA school site.
Special Education Plan -El Dorado SELPA