Why REAL Journey Academies?


REAL Journey Academies proudly offers:

  • Smaller Class Sizes
  • Competitive Salary
  • Fully Accredited Schools
  • Retirement Benefits (CalSTRS)
  • Employer Paid Health Benefits
  • Flexibility to Meet the Needs of Students
  • Modern Facilities and Abundant Technology
  • Quality Professional Development and Ongoing Support

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We put students first and offer personal attention, passion, and creativity. Our teachers have the flexibility to meet students needs by offering unique curricula and approaches to teaching. Supported by a dedicated administrative team, RJA teachers deliver instruction to enable student success.


Each of our schools is supported by counselors, special education services, and school psychologists. Our teachers also have access to academic coaching resources, state-of-the-art technology, and ongoing guidance through the involvement of mentor teachers.


We recognize that quality educators and visionary leaders are the core of our innovative schools. We recruit and invest in talented teachers and leaders who are committed to transforming the lives of students through quality education.


Since 2009, RJA has continued to show stable growth in the Inland Empire through financial stability and strong partnerships in the community. We also have a strong relationship with our authorizers and work with them to provide the best education for our students. RJA partners with local colleges and universities to learn alongside each other and develop strategies on how best to support our students.
Want to learn more?
Contact Human Resources at [email protected]